
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Yummy dinner

Last night's Raw Vegan Thai meal was fabulous. All due to the company, of course, but the food was yummy too. Dinner guests included my neighbor Joan, my brother Vince, and myself. And Bailey. Of course, Bailey didn't get to eat Thai.
Photo from the last time I made Pad Thai

Never a dull moment, right before dinner, we had the added challenge of a water main break on the island, and a boil water notice for the next 48 hours. That makes washing veggies and dishes a little more challenging! We didn't really need water for (un)cooking, but raw meal prep tends to use a lot of bowls, knives and blenders, plus you need to wash the produce.

Water main break aside, my brother helped prepare the veggies. He washed them in a clean bowl with bottled water. Kindo of like camping :) Then he spiralized the noodles. There is something really fun about spiralizing.

For this dish, there is not a lot to do other than chop veggies. So the prep was pretty easy. Then all of the ingredients for the sauce go in the Vitamix, and that's it!
Joan brought a delicious raw vegan carrot-ginger soup as a starter. This photo doesn't really do it justice, but it was the best we could do given the light available. You should have seen it- Vince was holding the living room lamp up in the air, at an angle, to try to get better light for the photo. It was quite funny. Probably why the photo is also out of focus- because I was laughing and couldn't keep the camera still :)
We also tried lemongrass soda and ginger beer (no alcohol, it's like a root beer but ginger flavor). The consensus on the drinks was: BLECH! But the soup, and the pad thai were great!

Another poorly lit photo:
I'm not too worried about the photos- it was fun! Thanks to Joan and Vince! Let's do it again... say, Monday? : )

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