
About this blog

The Healing Kitchen blog was born in May 2011. It is still evolving, growing, finding its voice. It is my vision that this blog will appeal to anyone who is interested in a natural & healthy lifestyle- but particularly those who need to avoid certain ingredients due to allergies or intolerances.

All of the recipes on this blog are gluten, corn, and soy free. Most are dairy and egg free as well. Most are vegan; many are raw vegan. All are delicious :) If they are not, I'll tell you why & what I did wrong so you can avoid making the same mistakes!

My own diagnosis with multiple food allergies has required that I learn to cook from scratch, how to substitute ingredients, and use ingredients I had never before heard of. In many ways, food allergies and intolerances have broadened my horizons. I have discovered new ingredients, new flavors, and a new awareness and appreciation for the food we eat and where it comes from. I would like to share what I have learned in my own journey; it is my hope that this information might make the process easier for others out there who are thinking "Help! I can't eat anything I love." Don't worry. You can, and you will.

There is an entire world of ingredients out there. You are about to experience something new and exciting. You will not feel limited or deprived. It won't be less, it will only be different; perhaps even better. Be encouraged. Consider this new phase in your life as an adventure, an education, a life changing experience. Because it is.

Whatever has brought you here, whatever your goals might be, I hope there might be something on this blog that will help you in your own healing journey.
